Tennessee has a thriving business community and there’s a significant amount of business and business-related programs across the state. If you find one we’ve missed, feel free to email us the info connect@irisnetworksusa.com and we’ll add it!
- The Nashville Entrepreneur Center has some great upcoming programs: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/the-nashville-entrepreneur-center-1055324923
- Launch TN keeps an excellent statewide calendar of networking and engaging speakers
- Vanderbilt is hosting a conference on entrepreneurship Feb 21
- The Nashville Business Journal is hosting a BizWomen Mentoring event in February: https://www.bizjournals.com/nashville/event/166432/2021/2021-bizwomen-mentoring-monday
- It’s 6 months away but the 3686 Festival in Nashville always rocks
- Lastly, be sure to signup for upcoming business events in Nashville through the Nashville Business Journal.
- Knox Entrepreneur Center offers great programs that free or nearly free: https://knoxec.com/what-we-do/programs/kec-lift-off/
- Innov865 and Piper Communications are sponsoring Innov865 startup week https://piper-communications.com/project/startup-day/
- There are some unique small business events in Knoxville hosted by our local businesses https://www.eventbrite.com/d/tn–knoxville/small-business-conference/
- East TN STEM Hub curated some great STEM projects to keep your kids busy https://sites.google.com/vols.utk.edu/easttnstemhub/resources-for-families-and-teachers/stem-sparks?authuser=0&fbclid=IwAR3Qs_xEgfHcR3twQtMEdCOuLs955pJDLJb_bh5tEzu_DbnGGFYIeqk-XV8
- Here’s a good calendar that shows some upcoming business events in Knoxville: https://www.eventbrite.com/d/tn–knoxville/business–events/
- The Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce maintains a good calendar of events
- The Chattanooga Center has several SBDC events at Chattanooga State: https://www.tsbdc.org/chscc/
- The Chattanooga Technology Council CHATECH events
Oak Ridge
- The East Tennessee Economic Council (ETEC) maintains a monthly calendar of events https://eteconline.org/events/
- The Oak Ridge Chamber has an active calendar of events https://www.oakridgechamber.org/events/
- Be sure to keep an eye out for the entrepreneurial events hosted by the ORNL
- Last but not least, AllEvents has curated and maintains a general list of upcoming business events in Oak Ridge
About iRis Networks
We deliver the fiber-based, next-generation network and infrastructure businesses need. We’re bringing ultra-high-speed voice, data and Internet solutions to over 250 communities, reaching across Tennessee and parts of Alabama, Georgia and Kentucky.